Original Omens

A street-side seer summons truth.



We knew our king was not a king: he was
a laughing man, a jester. He played tricks
like tongue-juggling and side-winking

at enemy ships. Politicks, he confided his
Queen, a somber woman.
She slept in separate quarters.

Was the King wise for flapping his tongue?
Who would he be, to hold his thoughts hostage?
In freedom, we believed. But

When the
castle crumbled
like dried pig fat

When the
revolutionaries rose and pierced
the castle and roasted

the men inside, they say they found
the King kneeling — kneeling!

Oh, crystal ball, oh sphere of ill
omen, cursed by a hagwitch to show no lie,
tell us:

Did the King speak under sword point?

Did he bravely defend his crown?

Did he resign himself to a glorious beheading,
a beheading befitting a King?

Or was he silent as the grave?

A peasant man gestures over cyrstal ball, peering into the faces of a dirty, frightened crowd. Leaves swirl in an unseen wind.
Original Omens. Source: Midjourney.




Creative writer. Fantasy, poetry, humor, personal growth, relationships, investing. Quirky.