There is definitely an argument to be made here that’s been made in the comments: ‘progress should and will continue to be made on __, and it’s futile to stop it.’ In this article, ‘progress’ is global 5G. I, too, think this is admirable. In fact, I like the idea a lot.
What I don’t like is the negative reaction to this article’s content. This article is doing a wonderful job of conveying clear/concise criticism of the Starlink project and, more broadly, power-abuse among the super-wealthy. There are some great bits of information here to which I was completely unaware — I’d never even heard of Starlink. To think, there might be more visible satellites than stars in my lifetime…and that’s only the aesthetic problem. Thank you, author, for letting me know.
Personally, I like checks and balances. If ol’ Musk has to delay his satellite launch for a bit to — what — repaint his satellites, that’s the compromise he should make for the astronomical community. Better to adapt to the experts first than make a mess of things later. Slow and steady wins the race to the stars, no?